How can you contribute to the archives?

A question I get asked a lot is "How can I contribute to the archives?" Well here's your short but sweet how-to guide on how you can help!

Selling or Donating Manuals

For those of you who may be looking to downsize or get rid of those old greasy manuals I provide an easy solution. I am willing to purchase your collection of manuals as long as the books are not duplicates in the physical book collection. The best possible way for these books to be preserved is to not only have a digital copy, but to also have an original master copy that can be put into physical hands should anything happen to the digital scans.

If you are feeling extra generous or your significant other is on the verge of kicking you out of the house because of your motorcar hoarding addiction, I am willing to accept donations of books as well. I will pay for all shipping fees from wherever you may be located in this world. 

Q: How do we know if you have a copy of a manual or not?

A: you can find the list of manuals in my collection HERE. 

Q: Do you also want advertisements/company documents as well?

A: Yes! this archive does not only pertain to motorcar manuals. If you have old advertisements or booklets I am more than happy to accept them or purchase them.

Providing Digital Copies

Now I know what some of you are thinking. I don't expect each and every one of you that visits this site to hand over your precious original materials from the golden age of railroading and that's 100 percent understandable. If you'd like to provide a photocopy of your manual or documents, leave a comment on this page and we can begin talking. I have to filter through each comment before it gets posted so I promise it will not be ignored. Should everything go smoothly, you just saved me from a few hours of monotonous scanning. However, please for the love of god make sure it is a scan of legible quality without cropping of words or diagrams.

Advice for Submitting Scans

If you are looking to contribute to this archive, Awesome! thank you for wanting to participate. I do have a couple rules however about quality of submissions 
  • Submissions must be legible enough to be read from a smartphone
  • Submissions do not crop any diagrams or words from the pages
If you do not own a scanner, do not worry! there are many other ways to create a legible scan. One way is by downloading the CamScanner app on your phone. This app allows you to take a photo of a page and immediately digitizes it and puts it into PDF format. A second option is going to your local library. Many libraries have photocopiers you can use to scan your documents and are always great resources.

If you have any more questions feel free to let me know.

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